Not trying to be stubborn, but Witchcraft is so many things to so many different people, it would be really difficult to define what the craft really is. My perception of “my” craft, may not align with someone else’s craft, because it is such a deeply personal thing.
I understand the use of spells and deities now, or at least what the actual function is. I was raised around this kind of stuff when I was little and living with my mom. One of my great grandmas was one. I think, at least psychologically, affirmations, manifestations, and things along those lines can be really beneficial. Practicing mindfulness and focusing on your intentions and mindset can absolutely change your life. No one knows why it works. But no. It’s not just suggestion. It’s not a trick. Some undertand it as taking advantage of the placebo effect, others understand it as manipulating "energy," others understand that they are communing with spirits. There's a lot of in-betweens and overlapping and alternative ideas. Some witches bounce between several ideas of WHY witchcraft works, but all agree that it works. I've done it a little more than I should and I can confirm I got exactly what I wanted. It was nothing really crazy now, just some confidence and beauty stuff. Something really good about it though is, We try to get close to nature and the rest of the universe around. Everything is more or less energy. We learn new things, and it could be used for whatever we would like. I'm hoping people will be responsible with it but I cannot control what they do.